Here’s A Thought :: In Honor of MLK … What Do You Believe?

If you have never watched Simon Sinek TED talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” based on his best selling book “Start With Why”, I urge you to take the 18:04 minutes to watch this powerful message about leadership.

Sinek was able to pinpoint – and then simply illuminate – a common belief that all leaders share. He radically inverses how we think about what inspires, motives and resonates with people – be they your customers, your audience, your employees or your peers.

Using examples from Apple, Marin Luther King, Jr., the Wright Brothers, and others, he shows us by example those who think differently about what we do – and why that changes the game completely.

“About three and a half years ago I made a discovery. And this discovery profoundly changed my view on how I thought the world worked, and it even profoundly changed the way in which I operate in it. As it turns out, there’s a pattern. As it turns out, all the great and inspiring leaders and organizations in the world — whether it’s Apple or Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers — they all think, act and communicate the exact same way. And it’s the complete opposite to everyone else. All I did was codify it, and it’s probably the world’s simplest idea.” ~Sinek

Sinek on MLK:

“In the summer of 1963, 250,000 people showed up on the mall in Washington to hear Dr. King speak. They sent out no invitations, and there was no website to check the date. How do you do that?”

Watch the full video here:

I’ll leave you with his message – and the challenge to come up with your own “WHY”. If you can answer that, you have successfully changed your game .

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. ~Sinek


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